Simpsonian 🍁︎

A long overdue nap

I'm no sysadmin greybeard, but last year I set up a ROCKPro64, mostly to self-host Miniflux, a RSS reader. (For what it's worth, I've greatly enjoyed this setup and plan on writing more about it later.)

One unexpected outcome of this is that I now totally get the uptime fetish some people seem to have. It's the original "streak" incentive! I've done precisely zero maintenance since setting up the server, and here's where things stand today:

josh@treebeard:~$ uptime
 09:56:59 up 252 days, 11:50,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
josh@treebeard:~$ # goodnight, sweet prince
josh@treebeard:~$ sudo shutdown now

Unfortunately, an upcoming international move means this streak is about to come to an end. Sleep tight, treebeard—there will be a whole new world waiting for you when you wake up!